- This topic is empty.
October 12, 2003 at 6:06 am #583579
thanks in advance for your reply,I know it goes something like onclick=”true” or false or something like that.
okay, I at least think there is an “onclick” in there somewhere.:confused:
Help Bernie! (he gave me the code last time; bless his big philisophical heart) :cheers:
What I am wanting to do is that I have a bunch of java script that I want to launch on my first page; but I was told I was better off to launch it thru a second window opening up instead of having it on my first page of my site.
thanks again
S.October 18, 2003 at 6:36 pm #640320Anonymous
InactiveNot sure if I understand what you mean by “how do I launch another window automatically?”
If I take it at face value It say your looking for a simple pop-up or pop-under when your main page loads.
If this is correct the script below should work fine for you …
var popunder=new Array()
popunder[0]=" name of HTML file you want in the new window "
// Specify the width and height of new popunder window (in pixels).
var width = '250';
var height = '250';
var p = 'scrollbars=no,resizable=no,toolbar=no,' + //these are obvious variables. set "yes" or "no".
'menubar=no,status=no,location=no,left=85,top=20,height=' + //the location on the user's screen
height + ',width=' + width;
// Specifying 1 below will load pop window only once per session 0 = it will load everytime main page is loaded.
var one_time=0
// Nothing below this comment should be edited
function get_cookie(Name) {
var search = Name + "="
var returnvalue = "";
if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search)
if (offset != -1) { // if the cookie exists
offset += search.length
end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); // set the index of beginning value
if (end == -1) // set the index of the end of cookie value
end = document.cookie.length;
returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end))
return returnvalue;
}function loadornot(){
if (get_cookie('popunder')==''){
function load_pop_power(){
if (one_time==0)
Id recommend saving the actual script (between the script tags) to a .js file and loading it on the mainpage via a script call as such …
This script utilizes cookies so that the window does not automatically popup every time and annoy the hell out of your site(s) visitors …
If thats not what you were looking for let me know …
October 18, 2003 at 10:20 pm #640339bb1webs
GuestMost appreciated my friend.
October 19, 2003 at 6:57 pm #640375Anonymous
InactiveNo problem oh gracious one … your quite welcome.
October 20, 2003 at 5:24 am #640393Anonymous
InactiveHow about a popup that isn’t? has all the appearances of and a total PIA to do tho:
http://www.videopoker1.com/poker.html and wait till the page has loaded…October 20, 2003 at 7:39 am #640398bb1webs
Guestvery nice site Deaning.
well,……. I’ve learned something during all this. For time being; I had went ahead and added the java into the first page; and what it does it launches a chat window to the surfer after a designated amount of time; in case they needed help.
Now I don’t want to make my surfers sound dumb, because I get a lot of letters that send me running to those smarter ‘n me; looking for an answer, so they aren’t all dumb.
But man, let me tell you; you wouldn’t want to plop a desk and chair down in front of your page to greet all the visitors; because you truly do meet all kinds.
so what I’m saying is; is that I have decided not to pursure this for my first page any longer.
Turns out; an extra link between them and me is a good thing. If they go to the live help page, then I’ll be glad to help.
this also reminded me of something I think more than just myself ; are guilty of; and that is taking it for granted that our surfers are somewhat experienced surfers.
there are still a lot of very confused campers out there.
I’ve re-dedicated myself to getting some more stuff up like; use alternate methods to deposit, here are some…
that kind of crap. I’m starting anew thread on this subject.
anyway, thanks all for the help.
October 21, 2003 at 12:16 pm #640429Anonymous
InactiveI recently put a free live help thing on a few poker pages and was a bit dubious as to getting inundated.
I find few people use it and so instigated a couple of live chats to visitors to ask opinions. The feedback was all good, basically they like that it is there if needed.
You are right about taking for granted BB1….sometimes is good to be in the customers place now and then.